Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nursery Adventures!

As most of you know, I am in the nursery in my ward. I spend my Sundays with children between the ages of 18 months and 3 years old.. Needless to say, I see and hear a lot of crazy stuff. This Sunday was a particularly eventful one. The kids were even more out of control than normal, I am talking climbing on tables out of control here! And by the end, it was nearly hopeless. I was so tired by that point I didn't even care anymore.
I decided that it might be a good idea to pull out our boom-box and play some primary songs... It usually helps the kids mellow out. Well, as I was pulling out the boom-box the Primary President's son came over to see what I was doing. This was the conversation that followed:
Owen: "Can we listen to Poker Face?"
(short pause for me to recover form the shock that a 3 year old would know that song)
Me: "No Owen, we can not listen to Poker Face."
Owen: "Why can't we listen to Poker Face?"
Me: "Because I am pretty sure that Lady Gaga is not appropriate for church, and I don't think everyone's parents would be ok with us playing that song."
At this point he walked away very upset at my unwillingness to play Lady Gaga in nursery. I know, I am basically the meanest teacher ever.
Possibly the best part of this whole thing is that one of the counselors in the primary was in the nursery classroom at the time and told the primary president about it. After church she came in to explain the whole thing and to reassure us that her son does not just sit at home all day listening to Lady Gaga.
Oh well......

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