Sunday, May 30, 2010

Holy Blow-out Batman!!!

Today was anything BUT a relaxing Sabbath day.... well, at least church itself was a circus. About 15 minutes into sacrament meeting I took Dylan to the bathroom and changed his diaper and made him a bottle. I brought him back into the meeting and Andrew proceeded to feed him. It takes Dylan at least 25 minutes to eat, usually more.
He was approaching the end of his bottle and he just started letting it go. He was farting up a storm and Andrew's lap, and Andrew couldn't help but laugh. The joke was on him, however, because they weren't just farts. When Andrew went to burp him, he discovered a very wet, very stinky surprise that had spread about half way up Dylan's back.
With a look of terror he told me that Dylan needed to be changed. I grabbed a diaper and wipies out of the diaper bag and motion for him to hand me the baby so that i can go change him. He then tells me, "No no no, he needs to be changed" and lifts him up just enough so that the mom in the row ahead of us and myself can see the big pea green poop spot all up his back.
The mom on the row ahead of us had an 18 month old boy and you could see her mouth "Oh my gosh!"
Andrew spent the last 20-25 minutes of sacrament in the bathroom attempting to clean up our very poopy child. After sacrament I searched all over to try and find Andrew because I was supposed to take Dylan to nursery with me for the first hour so that he could teach the youth class.
After exhausting my search I decided to just go up to the nursery and that Andrew would know where I was and bring the baby to me once he was finished.
A few minutes after I actually get to the nursery Andrew finally made his way up to the nursery, with a naked baby. That's right, he came walking in, baby in hand, wearing nothing but a diaper. When questioned why the baby wasn't wearing his extra onesie that was in the diaper bag the only reply that I got was "it's dirty."
Apparently, when Andrew got Dylan into the bathroom to clean him up, there was so much poop that it got all over everything. Andrew tried his hardest to get the onesie off of Dylan without getting it up his back, but it was to no avail. The poop was everywhere. It even got on Andrew's tie! Even when Andrew brought him to me in the nursery there was still some poop smeared on him.
Since there was only 4 kids in our nursery that day (bless it!!), and two other nursery workers, they were ok with me leaving to help my flustered husband with our little poop monster.
Since Dylan still had poop on him, and we didn't want to have to clean up the car seat, we had to wrap paper towels around the back of him before we put him in the car seat.
This whole time Dylan was just as happy as could be! He was so happy to be naked!
As Andrew was loading Dylan into the car seat that was on the ground, he squatted down and his pants split up the front. We now had another motive to go home.
We got home, and in 6 minutes got Andrew's pants changed, and got him a new tie. I started the poopy laundry and got out little stinky man into the bath to get all of the poop off of him. I was not about to run the risk of just wiping him down with wipies and leaving something on him. We got him dressed again and were once again on our way to church.
We made it back to church in time for Andrew to teach an 8 minute lesson.
All and all I would count this as a mini victory all thing considered. Awesome team work and we made it back to church in about 15 minutes!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's amazing how fast 12 weeks go... DANG!

Well... My maternity leave is finally up! I went back for my first shift yesterday. It was weird being back because I am no longer the supervisor and I am no longer full-time. I made it back just in time for staff meeting, which is always a good time!
I knew that leaving my baby for the first time to go back to work would be tough, but man! I sure missed that little guy!
Wouldn't you??
My mom watched him until Andrew got off of work, and then it was all Andrew for the rest of the night. I knew that he was in good hands, but man! I just love that little guy so much!!
As long as I kept busy at work I was totally fine. All I can say is that I am so grateful that I only have to work two days a week now!! Otherwise, it would be way too hard!
Who knew that 12 weeks would go by so fast! It seems like only yesterday that I was ginormous and swollen, now my little baby it 2 months old and I am back to work!
Time sure does fly!!!

Nursery Adventures!

As most of you know, I am in the nursery in my ward. I spend my Sundays with children between the ages of 18 months and 3 years old.. Needless to say, I see and hear a lot of crazy stuff. This Sunday was a particularly eventful one. The kids were even more out of control than normal, I am talking climbing on tables out of control here! And by the end, it was nearly hopeless. I was so tired by that point I didn't even care anymore.
I decided that it might be a good idea to pull out our boom-box and play some primary songs... It usually helps the kids mellow out. Well, as I was pulling out the boom-box the Primary President's son came over to see what I was doing. This was the conversation that followed:
Owen: "Can we listen to Poker Face?"
(short pause for me to recover form the shock that a 3 year old would know that song)
Me: "No Owen, we can not listen to Poker Face."
Owen: "Why can't we listen to Poker Face?"
Me: "Because I am pretty sure that Lady Gaga is not appropriate for church, and I don't think everyone's parents would be ok with us playing that song."
At this point he walked away very upset at my unwillingness to play Lady Gaga in nursery. I know, I am basically the meanest teacher ever.
Possibly the best part of this whole thing is that one of the counselors in the primary was in the nursery classroom at the time and told the primary president about it. After church she came in to explain the whole thing and to reassure us that her son does not just sit at home all day listening to Lady Gaga.
Oh well......

Monday, May 24, 2010

First blog....

This is my first attempt at blogging.. Hi! I'm Kelsey! I live in Utah with my wonderful husband and my sweet baby boy. My husband and I were married in the Salt Lake City Temple on December 13, 2008.

Marriage is a great adventure, but in March of this year we welcomed a new "adventure" into our lives! Dylan was born March 16, 2010, and he is such a joy!! :-)