Thursday, December 16, 2010

9 Months! Big Stuff!!

Our little Dyl-bug turned the big 9 months today (*tear, *sniff)!! Man! Time sure has flown by.... Andrew and I are both so grateful for him, and even though these nine months has been difficult at times, they have been extremely rewarding!!

There's our handsome little fella!! (ok, so technically he was 7 months in this picture, but still cute).
He is such a happy baby! And he is such a ham for the camera! It is great!!
See... total ham ball!! Gotta love him though! He is always ready to ham it up for the camera!
He has grown like a weed these nine months. It's hard to believe he started out at 7 lbs 15 oz, and only 21 inches long..
Now he is 20 lbs (50th percentile) and 28 1/4 inches (50th percentile)!!! That's a whole lot of baby!!
He doesn't necessarily like to put random things he finds on the floor in his mouth (thank goodness) although I am sure that is coming. He is more interested in licking things.. like his hand, his binky, dad's nose (which personally, I find gross), and mom's arm, among any other body parts he can get.
Also, he loves to be walked around.. It doesn't matter where we are, he wants to walk. He is getting pretty good at it, and he is starting to boogie!

Of course, he is still the center of our world! He loves his dad! Dad likes to walk him around the house when he gets home from work, so he is always happy to see dad!

He also loves his mommy! We have been having a lot of fun together now that I am out of school for the semester.
Happy 9 months of life Bubba!! Mom and Dad love you!!

We should really get together and catch up....

So, I know it's been a while since the last post. So here is an update on our family...
Andrew and I have been busily plugging away at school this last semester. Andrew only took two classes this semester, and he passed both of them! YAY! Good job honey! He took a music class this last semester where he had to go to different musical performances. They had to be non-western-culture performances so it was pretty cool to go with him and watch some of them. I took three classes this semester, and as of right now all looks well as far as grades go! This means that I only have a year and a half left of school.. YAY!
Thanksgiving was wonderful! This was my first Thanksgiving off in four years, so I was pretty excited. We stopped by Andrew's family to say "Hi" and visit. After that we headed over to my mom's and had a yummy dinner. Dylan loved it because people kept feeding him stuff. (He has been on fruits and veggies for like four months now and loves it!)
Andrew and I just celebrated out two year anniversary on the 13th of this month. We celebrated on Saturday because Andrew had important work stuff on Monday that he couldn't miss. We went to breakfast at Beez Cafe in Roy. It is so super yummy! We took Dylan with us to breakfast and I think that he enjoyed it as much as we did and here is why...
He got to drink out of a big boy cup like dad.. In fact it was dad's cup. He loves drinking out of glasses.
Dad fed him the whip cream off of his waffles....
"What?! No, it wasn't me eating the whip cream.."
YAY! Whip cream!
It was a good breakfast!
After we got done at Beez we took Dylan over to my mom's because she was going to watch him for us for the rest of our anniversary date.
We went and saw Tangled, which we both agreed, was wonderful!! Highly recommend it.. Even if you don't have kids. It was fun.
After the movie we walked across the street to the arcade and played some arcade games. We had a ton of fun and I even won the bonus on one of those old school arcade games where the light goes around in a circle and you have to stop it on a certain light. I have never been able to win one of those! I was very excited!! We got a ton of tickets and we got some prizes. Including a fuzzy dice for our rear view mirror. That's right... We roll in style.
After the arcade we went back across the street to Sanora Grill for dinner. They have the BEST Mexican food! And really delicious guacamole. It is one of our favorite places to eat. Then we went to Farr's ice cream and got yummy waffle cones.
After ice cream we made an attempt to go to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights. We drove all the way down there and searched high and low for a parking spot. Finally we decided to just bag it and go home. We will take Dylan on Monday to go see the lights, but this time we will be taking the Front Runner down and just riding trax around.. Same us the headache of trying to park.
Oh!!! I almost forgot! We got a new car a couple weeks ago! Andrew's car took a poop and it was going to cost us oodles of money to fix it, so we decided to just not worry about it and we traded it in and got a 2005 Honda Accord! We LOVE it!!!
Well, I think that is it for now.

Aquarium in photo..

As promised (a couple months ago...) Here are the pictures from our Aquarium trip!

This was the best picture we got of him petting the stingrays.. You will just have to trust us that he actually did pet it.. Several times..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Long time no post....

So, I realize that it has been a while since I posted anything, and for those 3 people that read my blog, I am sure that you are completely devestated, right??? No?

Anyways. Here is a quick recap on what we have been up to!
Dylan got to "ride" his first horse, with the help of dad!
Dylan went on his second camping trip! The first one was with Andrew's parents. This was, however, the first Cox family camping trip for the Dyl-bug! He was very excited, can you tell??

Beware of the mom!

Dylan has also been mastering the back-to-belly roll....

Ta-da!! The bad part now is that he gets all excited that he rolled onto his belly that he forgets how to get back to his back. Which in turn means that he gets upset and mom and dad have to roll him back. Oh well, it's a fun time wither way!
Andrew and I are now back in school after A lovely summer break! Lovely for me because I did not take summer classes.. Not so lovely for Andrew and his summer classes. School is going pretty good. We are in the fourth week now. Andrew only has two classes and I am taking three this semseter. IT is shaping up to be quite the battle to get homework done when the Dyl-bug is awake!
Over Labor Day weekend we took Dylan to the Living Planet Aquarium in Sandy, UT. It was a good time, and Uncle Logan and (soon-to-be) Aunt Tiff went with us! So much fun!! Highly recommend it! Dylan even got to pet a stingray!! I will post pictures of it as soon as I get the transfered!
Dylan has been on rice cereal for about a month now. It took him a while to warm up to it, but now he loves it!
Dylan turns 6 months tomorrow! He gets to go for his six month check up and he will get to start fruits and vegetables! He is getting bigger and bigger everyday and is learning more and more things!
Well, I think that is about all for now! Bye!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Our Great SLC Adventure!

A couple of weekends ago my mom invited us to go with her to the Salt Lake airport to meet Doug when he landed. We thought it might be a nice little surprise for him.
Well, after seeing Doug, everyone else headed back home. We decided that we would stay in Salt Lake (SLC) and have a random, spontaneous adventure.
When we got to SLC our first stop was to the Church History Museum. It was really cool and they had a lot of beautiful stained glass windows on display.
The next stop was the German deli/store Siegfried's. We had an authentic German meal, and I tried Wienerschnitzel for the very first time!

Dylan got a little bored after he finished his lunch and decided to play with his binky.. We applauded his efforts in trying to put the binky back in his mouth after taking it out. It's a work in progress.
Andrew was the most excited! As most people know, Andrew served an LDS mission in Germany, and he can't wait until someday we are able to go back!
After eating lunch we took a look around the store part of the deli. It was very interesting to see all of the different imports!
Shortly after this photo was taken, Dylan had a massive blow-out that went all the way through his clothes. Unfortunately, the bathrooms at the deli did not have a changing table so Andrew and I had to both go into the bathroom to clean him up. Andrew held him over the sink while I tried to carefully remove the soiled clothing and wipe him down with wipies and then redress him. It ended up being quite the adventure in and of itself.
After and enjoyable lunch and memorable clean-up we headed back the way we came to walk around Temple Square. Andrew loves the carrier we found at Kid-to-Kid.
Dylan loved it too! And he made a lot of friends on our trip because of his contagious smile!
We walked around Temple Square and got some pretty good pictures. This is one of my favorite of me and Dylan!
A very nice couple offered to take a picture of the three of us, unfortunately Dylan was more interested in his fingers than taking a family picture..
After a lot of walking and many adventures we were all pooped and ready to go home!
This was the last picture we got as we walked back to our car a few blocks away from the Temple. What a great day!

Fourth of July+Andrew= Fire/Fireworks

I know that the Fourth of July was almost a month ago, but I am a slacker and have not had time to update the blog. Here is our Fourth of July adventures!
Dylan was very excited to go to his very first parade. He was not, however, a fan of the fire trucks and their sirens. He cried every time one of them let off a siren. Very sad. He was fine with everything else though and enjoyed the parade.
Dylan always loves Grandma's(my mom, although he equally loves all grandparents) house! She watched him for a little bit while Andrew and I went to the movies. We went and saw The Last Airbender. I actually quite enjoyed the movie, although I do not feel that paying the extra for the 3D experience was necessary.
After the movie we went over to my mom's to BBQ. The BBQ was great and we had so much fun! Andrew got to use the big grill which made him very happy and now he can't wait until we have a house that we can get a big grill!
Dylan showed off his amazing ability to stand with help from the parents.
Dylan also enjoyed time with Uncle Logan. He is quite the character, but Dylan doesn't mind! Uncle Logan is very fond of his little nephew.
After the sun went down fireworks began! This is a picture of Sarah just before we started. She was stoked!
She tried to be like Andrew and hold one in her hands while it went off. She was not quite expecting the smoke after.
Andrew, for whatever reason likes the smoke ones. No one else does because they are stinky and very lame.
The Dyl-man hung out with Grandma until she went inside.
YAY! Fireworks!
Dylan gets lots of kisses and loves.. Can you tell??
What a great Fourth of July! And how lucky and blessed we are to live in this country!

Four Months! WOW!

Ok, so I am fully aware of the fact that Dylan is now almost four and a half months old now, but I thought that I would give a quick update as to how his four month appointment went.
As you can see, he is a very happy baby! His doctor loves him, and we love his doctor! I am a big fan of our pediatrician for Dylan.
Dylan weighed 15 pounds 11 1/2 ounces at his appointment and is in the 75th percentile for his weight! He was 26 inches long at his appointment and has moved up to the 90th percentile for his height!! That's our little guy!!
He is getting more steady and enjoys playing with mom and dad. He also enjoys riding high on dad's shoulders so that he can see everything! Dad likes playing too.. Andrew is a big kid at heart!
We get lots of smile from him now. He is just so happy about everything!
All in all he is doing great and is strong and healthy! :-)